Really awesome alternative to the "real" thing. I've been doing keto on and off for 7 years and it's just very nice to be able to enjoy something as delicious as a brownie, but not suffer by getting knocked out of ketoTo clarify for those that may not know, However, even though these have 1 gram net carbs it does not mean you can eat 4,5,10 and be fine. Sugar alcohol will be burned by your body in place of fat until they are all out of your system meaning that these brownies will cause a temporary stall in fat burning. Also important to note, net carbs are a fickle subject. Many believe that net carbs and subtraction of fiber is only suitable for leafy green veggies and nothing else. Following this rule you can see that these brownies actually contain a staggering 9 grams of carbs each. Almost half of the daily allotment for strict keto and will totally blow your macros for the day.Everyone has a different tolerance to sugar alcohol and fiber. Net carbs are a gateway to failing keto and leave you left to wonder how you went wrong... avoid this troubling mistake and eat these truly as a rare treatHaving said all that, I really think this is a great product and those with self control will find no issue incorporating them into their diet. I would absolutely recommend these!